Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Backstory Of Why VCC Is Going to Jos

If something isn't done soon, the death toll from unsafe water will exceed that of the AIDS pandemic within the next 15 years. During the Luke 4 Challenge, God inspired VCC to partner with people in and around central Nigeria to provide sources of clean, sustainable water. As a result, we have established H2O: Nigeria, a drilling company that will operate equipment to install bore holes (wells) 10 months out of the year (2 months are the really rainy season). Clean water and sanitation practices bring simple but effective remedies to some of the physical problems in Nigeria - our prayer is that those we serve will see Jesus in action and be open to addressing some of their spiritual needs as well.

The above was taken from the Vineyard Cincinnati's website. I would say more, but quite frankly, the videos are more powerful than my words.

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